Thursday, August 11, 2005

The people are with us!

I couldn't help but grin as I read this morning's Walnut Creek Journal. A few days ago I asked CC Times editor Chris Lopez if he thought the paper's coverage was tapping true voter sentiment. I posed perhaps not, since most of the coverage focuses on official actions, while the people are "too busy fighting with traffic, housing costs and everyday hassles to make a fuss." What a vindication to find that W.C. readers told the Journal in a survey published today that traffic and trasportation were their top issues, with affordable housing not far behind. ... Also near the top were preservation, a dog park, and Walnut Creek Heritage. "New library" was second to last on the list of residents' concerns, beating out only "political changes in city." Wanna bet that last one gains steam if the Council holds course? ...

1 comment:

Diane Lily said...

I have a book entitled "The Vanishing Automobile" by Randal O'Toole. It is a report on the devastating results of Portland, Oregon's smart growth/redevelopment plans. On page 63 of this book it talks about building a library that is 4 or 5 stories high with the library on the ground floor and apartments over the top of it. This was to be accomplished through use of library bond money passed by the citizens.
Do we know if there are any restrictions/limitations on what exactly, the bond issue money would be spent on for the Walnut Creek library?
Camille Giglio
Ygnacio Valley Area
Walnut Creek