Monday, August 08, 2005


My son and I made it to tonight's Environmental Impact Report scoping meeting long enough to hand out a few flyers and pick up an agenda. There were a little more than 20 people there, and the Maxwell family reports strong support for saving their home, Casa Cristina. ... It was interesting to find out that the taking of the historic Maxwell home is the sole reason for the planned EIR. Putting a five-story garage next to a creek doesn't trigger the law. ... After leaving the meeting based on a one-year-old's attention span, we went over to the park to use the swings and talk to people about the garage and retail proposals. Sure enough, people know about the retail, but they don't have much idea about the rest of the project. ... One big problem with the upcoming bond election: the EIR won't be released until December - full month after voters go to the polls to decide on funding for the project. The public hearing on the EIR is scheduled for early 2006, and the final version won't be reading until next spring. ...

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