Saturday, March 04, 2006

Comparing the Site Plans

Theresa Harrington
on Thursday had a long article about the newly approved library plan. She quotes Save Civic Park founder Adriel Hampton about a desire to see car-sharing spaces and a free downtown shuttle stop at the new library. ... As you can see from these two maps from the Contra Costa Times, the new library concept, left, is substantially different from the plan that went along with Measure R, right, with less impact on the existing park and underground parking instead of a mega garage. ...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

S.F. Chronicle Reports on Library Vote

The Chronicle reported today on the City Council's 4-1 vote in favor of moving ahead with a leaner library project that we feel will enhance Civic Park for generations to come. The article quotes City Manager Mike Parness and his funding optimism, Adriel Hampton on praise for the City's revisions to the design, and No on R spokesman Hardy Miller on possible funding shortfalls in the future. ...